The Nikola Tesla Institute, dedicated to the advancement of New Physics in alignment with the visionary work of Nikola Tesla, stands as a pioneering institution committed to research and development. Our primary focus lies in the exploration and assessment of resonant and radiant energy technologies, with a paramount goal of fostering global energy independence. At the core of our mission is the legacy of Tesla, driving us to unravel new frontiers in science and technology. Through rigorous evaluation and innovation, we strive to contribute to a sustainable and enlightened future for humanity. Join us on this journey as we delve into the realms of cutting-edge research, propelling the legacy of Nikola Tesla into the forefront of contemporary scientific exploration.

Towards the studies of resonant energy

The Nikola Tesla Institute is unwavering in its commitment to advancing the understanding and application of resonant energy. At the heart of our objectives lies a dedicated pursuit of research and development in resonant transmitters and receivers, building upon the foundational principles of Nikola Tesla's resonant transformer. Our aim is to propel these technologies into advanced iterations, exploring new dimensions in energy transmission and reception. By delving into the intricacies of resonant energy, we aspire to unlock innovative solutions that transcend current limitations, fostering a paradigm shift towards more efficient, sustainable, and globally accessible energy systems. Join us in the pursuit of excellence as we harness the potential of resonant energy to redefine the future of technological landscapes.

Towards the studies of radiant energy

The Nikola Tesla Institute is dedicated to advancing the understanding and utilization of radiant energy, aligning with the visionary principles set forth by Nikola Tesla. Our core objective lies in the meticulous research and development of radiant energy receivers, inspired by Tesla's groundbreaking vision. Our focus extends to the profound insights Tesla offered on the energetic exchange with the ambient medium, a fundamental aspect of his wireless energy transmitting devices. By delving into the nuances of radiant energy, we strive to unlock its untapped potential for applications that transcend traditional energy paradigms. The Institute aims to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and practical implementations, contributing to the realization of Tesla's vision for a world where radiant energy plays a pivotal role in powering our technological landscape. Join us in exploring the frontiers of radiant energy research as we work towards harnessing its transformative capabilities for a sustainable and interconnected future.

Towards the studies of non-physical phenomena

Nikola Tesla's profound contributions extend beyond the realm of conventional physics into the exploration of non-physical phenomena, a facet of his work that holds significant implications for understanding the energetic layers of human existence. Tesla's visionary pursuits delved into the study of subtle energies and the interconnectedness of the universe, acknowledging the existence of forces beyond the grasp of traditional scientific frameworks. His emphasis on non-physical phenomena underscores the intrinsic connection between energy, consciousness, and the fabric of reality.

The importance of Tesla's work in comprehending the energetic layers of human existence lies in its potential to bridge the gap between science and metaphysics. By acknowledging the existence of non-physical phenomena, Tesla paved the way for a more holistic understanding of the human experience-one that encompasses both the tangible and intangible aspects of our existence. His exploration of these realms opens avenues for unraveling the mysteries of consciousness, subtle energies, and their influence on human well-being.
The Nikola Tesla Institute, building upon Tesla's legacy, is dedicated to advancing this frontier of knowledge. Through rigorous research and development, we aim to contribute to the understanding of energetic layers that may impact human health, consciousness, and interconnectedness. By embracing Tesla's holistic vision, we aspire to catalyze advancements that not only transcend conventional scientific boundaries but also deepen our comprehension of the intricate relationship between the human energy system and the broader cosmic forces at play. Join us on this journey as we explore the profound implications of non-physical phenomena in unlocking the mysteries of human existence.

Boris Petrovic - Blockchance 2023 | Free Energy Wearable devices
Boris Petrovic, Jose Luis Cordeiro | Towards ENERGULARITY 2023
Boris Petrovic, Miguel Angel Moratinos (UN Geneva) 2023
TESLAI Artificial Intelligence interface generated an Art Piece in the form of Digital Print on canvas, size 33cm x 33cm, given as a present to the Honarable Mr. Miguel Angel Moratinos, High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. The canvas symbolically represents Nikola Tesla with his future TELEAUTOMATA and their necessity for a creator image and consciousness development towards the benefit of all mankind.